Social media trends for brands in 2023

Trends and algorithms in social networks are constantly changing , changing completely from one day to the next, as is the case with the new Instagram posts . A new function to send temporary messages of up to 60 characters to our followers. In such a way that communication and digital marketing go hand in hand, so incorporating new trends leads to generating more effective and relevant content to increase engagement. 

In this sense, keeping abreast of the latest changes in user behavior is key to developing a successful marketing and communication strategy . In this Next Education post we analyze the trends in social networks that every brand must take into account to succeed on audiovisual platforms this 2023 .

Top trends in social networks

1. The end of cookies is getting closer, one of the trends in social networks

Cookies allow websites to record information about your visit, which can make it easier for you to visit the sites again and make them more useful to you. In 2020, Google announced that it would end cookies in a couple of years , just as other companies, such as Apple, had done before. Google currently expects to release the Privacy Sandbox APIs by Q3 2023, available in the Chrome browser.

This has been confirmed by the search giant, reporting that they intend to start phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome in the second half of 2024 . In this context, the challenge for brands is to find new ways to learn about the consumption habits of users while respecting privacy laws.

2. Increased user awareness of fake news

Social networks favor the proliferation of hoaxes and false news . This has caused increased pressure on technology companies to take responsibility for the veracity of the content published on their platforms. In this context, the Facebook social network , belonging to the Meta group, has developed various initiatives to fight against the problem of fake news .

On the other hand, this platform has announced that it would begin to eliminate false news that can cause physical harm to people. These proposals are a way to limit and stop fake news in the technology sector. Researchers have verified that after a reflection exercise, people shared less false news according to National Geographic Spain.

3. Brands offer multi-channel and multi-format content

A trend that is growing in social networks by brands is content marketing and social media . In this sense, multichannel and multiformat content are produced by a digital marketing strategy and, as the name suggests, can be given on various platforms and in different formats depending on the social network . For example, the content strategy of Instagram and Twitter varies between them, since the main difference is the number of characters and the type of image that can be published.

In short, content marketing tries to directly impact the senses and emotions of our target .

4. E-commerce gains relevance in social media trends

Social networks continue to grow as a powerful sales tool and as a communication channel for brands. In this sense, they are an excellent way to keep in touch with your potential customers and users . In this sense, talking is the best way to humanize your brand, attract new customers and retain them.

Social media is known as one of the most efficient digital marketing methods that you can use to increase your visibility. By implementing a solid social media strategy you can increase brand awareness. Also, keeping up with the latest trends goes a long way to keeping your followers updated with upcoming events or new product launches.

5. Increased commitment to climate change

Social networks have become a space for reflection and resilient action in the face of climate change . Likewise, environmental education is innovated on these platforms through the generation of virtual spaces that improve meaningful learning, collaborative work and strengthen attitudes of resilience in the face of  climate change .

In short, being aware of the trends of social networks…

It is a way to create more effective content to increase sales and brand visibility. At Next International Business School we give you the keys to become an expert in digital marketing and be able to apply effective strategies in social media. To do this, we invite you to discover the innovative Master in Corporate Communication and Digital Marketing . Do you need academic advice? Request a  free mentoring session  with our team of advisors.

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